
Путешествия по Карачаево-Черкесии


Каталог сайтов Главная / Автозапчасти / www.dwz.ru Daewoo zone - продажа автозапчастей Daewoo zone - занимается продажей автозапчастей по оптовым ценам для машин марки Daewoo : Damas, Lanos, Leganza, Matiz, Nexia, Tiko, Nubira, Espero, Автозапчасти : глушители, бамперы, капот, клапан, колпаки, молдинг, подкрылки и многое другое.

поездка в карачаево черкесию
осетинские пироги с сыром рецепты с фото

гостиница RAFFLES VIER JAHRESZEITEN 5* deluxe Местонахождение: Центр города Адрес: NEUER JUNGFERNSTIEG 9-14, D-20354 HAMBURG, GERMANY, Телефон: 49-40-34940, Факс: 49-40-3494632 Количество комнат: 189 Скидки детям: с 2 по 18 лет. Баров: 5 Банкетных залов: 5 Описание: Расположение CITY CENTRE 18 km to the nearest airport: HAMGAENSEMARKT 1 km to the nearest station: DAMMTOR 2 minute walk to nearest bus stop. 1 km to the nearest fair site: MESSEHALLEN, CCH Дополнительная информация LOCATION The hotel is located on the bank of the alster lake. Hamburg`s central sites and some of Germany`s most exclusive shopping are within easy walking distance. ROOMS All the rooms are large and furnished and decorated individually, to a very high standard, with traditional antique furniture. Needless to say, in this deluxe property, both rooms and bathrooms are in exceptional condition. RESTAURANT The "haerlin" restaurant is very elegantly furnished and decorated in cream and light green colours. The doc cheng is an oriental/asian with its own tandoori oven and has over 40 beer types and 1200 different wines. The "jahrezeiten grill" is also an informal restaurant, furnished and decorated in traditional style. EXTERIOR It is a very Grand, traditional white building with a green copper roof. LOBBY The entrance hall and reception area have a mosaic style tiled floor partly covered by large oriental rugs. The furniture and decor are in traditional style with valuable antique furniture. GENERAL This is one of the most traditional hotels in Germany and a stay here is unique. 05/03 hm Заметки *** BEST BUY *** *** BEST BUY *** *** BEST BUY *** *** BEST BUY *** *** BEST BUY *** События 22.09.2004 - 30.09.2004: IAA-International Motor Show 27.09.2004 - 02.10.2004: SMM-Ship Building 25.10.2004 - 30.10.2004: Euroblech-Intl Sheet Metal 25.10.2004 - 30.10.2004: Intl Sheet Metal 14.01.2005 - 17.01.2005: Domotex - Floor Coverings 03.03.2005 - 08.03.2005: Internorga - Catering 09.03.2005 - 15.03.